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Oh you beautiful explorer

Welcome to the hidden underside of my website


As a reward for discovering this hidden nook I'm going to share something about myself that only you will know


I have a yearly goal of reading 100 books.  No, it's true.  I'm on goodreads.  I've met my goal too.  It's been my goal for a while now.  I love reading.  Mostly fiction, but I'm growing myself into non-fiction


Wait, that's not juicy enough for you?  Alright.  I'm addicted to escape rooms.  I've done over 80.  We kind of stopped counting after 80 so I'm not really sure of the actual number at this point


One last gem.  My name is JD Iana.  Font usually makes the I look like and "L".  There's an easy way to remember. 

I Am Not Ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes... Rom 1:16



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